5 Foods to increase breastmilk supply you have at home right now!!
There are many foods that can help you increase your milk supply called galactagogues. Here is a small list of galactagogues that you may have at home right now as a natural way to increase breast milk supply. Will they work for all women? Of course not, but they have been shown to help most women and it doesn't hurt to try.

Oatmeal - During pregnancy and while nursing, many women find themselves having low levels of iron, which in response causes low milk production. Because of its high iron content, oatmeal is a fantastic simple galactagogue that you can have for breakfast in the morning. Don't like oatmeal by itself? You can always add fruit, honey, maple syrup, to it or have it as a cookie, granola bar, etc.
Almonds - almonds and almond milk have been shown to not only help increase breast milk supply, but the sweetness and creaminess of it as well.
Sweet potatoes - sweet potatoes are both rich in beta carotene as well as iron.
Salmon - this is a great source of omega 3 and essential fatty acids.
Carrots - just like sweet potatoes, carrots are rich in beta carotene and adding a glass of carrot juice for lunch can do wonders for your supply.
Bonus: From experience, here is an item that will significantly help with your milk supply. WATER WATER WATER!! I cannot stess enough how important it is to stay hydrated. Just think of it this way, your body is losing all that liquid and in order t replenish it, you have to drink water. I have noticed that on the days i forfet to drink my water, my supply is at least 2 ounces less each side everytime i pump than when i remember to drink it. TIP: carry around a water bottle and make sure you know how many ounces it is so you can count the amount of bottles you drink in a day. Its also easier to carry around with you so its right in your face reminding you to drink.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a healthcare professional, these are simply thin
gs that I have seen helped me personally with my supply. Please remember to consult your lactation consultant or a doctor if you have any concerns.