This is by far the easiest lactation brownie recipe I have come across. I've made it a few times and have added my own tweaks here and there. Everything is basically what is on the brownie mix box but I do tell you what i do differently as well. Please go ahead and try it out and let me know what you think in the comments section.

Lactation Brownies
1 Box of your preferred Brownie Mix (I use Betty Crocker)
1 Egg for fudge like brownies (my preference) or 2 if you prefer your brownies more cake like
4 TBSP Brewer’s Yeast ( I got mine from a vitamin shop but you can also get it online, like on Amazon, or even try checking your grocery store as many stores are adding more health items nowadays)
2 TBSP Flaxseed meal (I got mine at whole foods, but like I said before, you can buy it on Amazon or other grocery stores, I myself have seen this at Mariano's and even some Walmart's.)
Water/Oil according to brownie mix directions (I actually use milk instead of water)
3 extra TBSP water/milk
1 tsp of vanilla
semi sweet chocolate chips
Combine the oil, egg, and water (milk in my case), and vanilla first and then add the dry box mix and chocolate chips along with the brewers yeast and flaxseed meal. Mix until combined and cook according to box directions based on the type and size pan that you used. Of course you can make your brownies from scratch if you prefer and just add in the extra ingredients, but I find this recipe is perfect for a new mommy short on time.